Heart & Cardiovascular Services

Our cardiologists and specialists have been proving world-class, comprehensive cardiovascular care for more than 25 years.

Abstract heart on blue background
Illustration of a heart | Heart/Cardiovascular Services

Why choose UCLA Health for comprehensive cardiovascular care?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校心脏和血管服务部一直在提供最先进的, world-class cardiovascular care for more than 25 years. Nationally, we rank 9th in Cardiology, as determined by U.S. News & World Report.

Highlights of our heart and vascular services include:

Leaders in cardiac care: When patients choose UCLA Health, 他们受益于与不同心脏领域的领导者合作. 我们拥有全国最大的心脏移植和肺移植项目. 我们在治疗和管理心力衰竭方面处于领先地位.

Advanced surgical options: We use minimally invasive and robotic surgery techniques, 包括机器人心脏瓣膜手术和心律失常手术. 我们是胸主动脉瘤和主动脉夹层手术治疗的专家.

Commitment to research: 我们的专业研究团队使我们始终处于新的和有前途的治疗方法的最前沿. Patients have access to advanced, leading-edge therapies.

Sub-specialty expertise: 一系列专科诊所为病情复杂的病人提供针对性的治疗. 我们的服务范围从心脏病预防到女性心血管服务无所不包, minimally invasive surgery and heart transplantation.

Convenient locations: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心提供10多种普通和专业心脏护理 locations across the greater Los Angeles region. This means you can always receive world-class care, close to home.

Our cardiovascular services

Our team of physicians, advanced practice providers, cardiovascular specialists, 护士和其他卫生专业人员提供全面的心血管护理. Our services include:

Cardiology services

We treat an array of cardiac conditions. 我们的专家领导的诊所为特定的心脏疾病提供有针对性的治疗. Highlights of our general cardiology services include:

Ahmanson/UCLA Adult Congenital Heart Disease Center: 该设施是美国同类设施中第一个也是最大的一个. 我们是一个主要的培训和研究机构,并获得了成人先天性心脏病协会(ACHA)的国家综合护理中心认证. 

Aortic Center: 主动脉中心的血管外科医生率先在西海岸实施了一项名为血管内动脉瘤修复的先进心脏手术技术. 从那时起,我们已经进行了2200多例血管内主动脉修复手术. 专家还提供药物和生活方式建议,以帮助患者控制主动脉问题.

Cardiac Arrhythmia Center: 我们有全国最全面的心律失常治疗项目之一. 患有心律失常的所有年龄段的患者都有机会获得专家治疗. 这些治疗包括一种名为心脏交感神经去支配的新方法,用于治疗对药物无效的患者.

Interventional Cardiology: 介入心脏病专家使用导管为基础的程序通过微小的切口进行手术. 导管可用于诊断和治疗心脏和血管疾病. Our catheterization lab is open 24/7 for emergency situations, and our specialists lead the way in clinical care, education and research.

Women’s Cardiovascular Center: While heart health is often thought of as a men’s issue, 心脏病是美国女性死亡的主要原因. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校妇女心血管中心在一个方便的位置提供全面的妇女心血管护理. 我们也在女性心血管护理方面进行教育和研究, with a goal of lowering risk and preventing disease.  

Cardiac testing and imaging

当我们的心血管专家需要更多地了解病人的心脏状况时, 我们推荐患者到我们的诊所进行心脏检查或无创成像. We use state-of-the-art MRI and CT technology for imaging studies. We also provide a range of heart tests, including Holter monitoring, adult and pediatric electrocardiograms (EKGs). We also have a dedicated clinic for patients with pacemakers.

Cardiac surgery 

Our heart surgeons provide a range of treatments, 我们在心脏护理方面的成功率在全国名列前茅. Cardiac surgery services include:

ECMO Program: 体外膜氧合(ECMO)是一种对危重病人进行心脏和肺部工作的治疗方法. 我们的ECMO存活率达到并超过了全国平均水平,我们采用先进的治疗形式,以尽量减少可能的并发症.

Heart Transplant Program: 我们的心脏移植项目是全国最繁忙也是最成功的项目之一. To date, we have performed more than 2,000例成人心脏移植和300多例儿科心脏移植. 只有5%的成年患者经历过供体心脏排斥,而全国平均水平为25%.

Vascular surgery: 我们使用最新的技术和治疗方法来治疗影响循环/血管系统的疾病. 这个系统包括全身输送血液的血管. Our specialists provide comprehensive care, 从非手术治疗到血管内手术-微创手术治疗血管问题.  

Conditions we treat

We treat all types of cardiovascular conditions, including:

Angina: 动脉狭窄,限制血液流动,导致胸部、手臂、颈部、胃部或下颚疼痛.

Arrythmia: A heart rhythm that is too slow, too fast or irregular.

Congestive heart failure: When your heart stops pumping blood as efficiently as it should.

Coronary artery disease: When blood vessels to your heart, known as coronary arteries, narrow and no longer provide enough blood to the heart.   

Endocarditis: 一种危及生命的心脏内膜炎症,称为心内膜. 

Heart attack: When a blood clot blocks the blood flow to your heart.

Hypertension (high blood pressure): 血液对动脉壁的长期高压会导致心脏病和中风.

Meet our team

我们的心脏和血管专家在临床护理、教育和研究方面处于领先地位. 我们以先进的技术和优异的转归率治疗心脏和心血管疾病.

Contact us

Call 310-825-9011 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的心血管专家.

Find your care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的心血管团队照顾所有类型的心脏和血管疾病. Call 310-825-9011 to connect with a cardiovascular customer care specialist.